Saga, the popular party created by Bedouin, moves this 2020 to Pacha Ibiza on friday

Beduin presents SAGA, one of the popular parties that have been held at Heart Ibiza since 2017, will be the new residence on Fridays at Pacha Ibiza 2020

Beduin, the duo formed by Rami Abousabe and Tamer Malki located in New York, changed this year of location in Ibiza.
From its beginnings it become one of the most popular parties of Heart Ibiza, it was a success among residents and tourists even achieving the Dj 2019 award in the category of best night in Ibiza

SAGA bedouin party tickets pacha Ibiza 2020

Saga 2020 calendar, Pacha Ibiza

In the fourth season of SAGA in Ibiza we will have 20 emblematic dates. Every Friday from May 22nd until the Closing party on October 2nd, 2020.

Although it changes clubs, SAGA will remain faithful to his musical style in Pacha, with his eclectic and hypnotic melodies, accompanied by audiovisuals that will achieve an immersive experience for all the senses and with great doses of creativity.

BEDOUIN SAGA tickets at Pacha are now on sale for 30-40€, depending on dates

More info and SAGA bedouin 2020 tickets here!

We are Pacha Ibiza's tickets official point of sale, with the lowest price guaranteed