Descubre Formentera

Descubre Formentera

Fri 7 Jun
10:15h - 18:00h

- You must exchange this voucher for a tickets at the AQUABUS desk.

Check in: 45 min before the departure

10:15h – From Ibiza Port

18:00h - Ferry departs from La Savina Port (Formentera)

Name Price Quantity
Adulto | Adult
Niño | Children (4-12) / Jubilado | Senior (+60)
Children Ticket (4-12 years old) | Senior Citizen (+60 years old) at a reduced price. Children under 4 years old FREE.
You must select at least 1 ticket to continue.
The name and surname written below will be printed at the ticket. The ticket holder must attend the event with the group.
Already have Clubber profile? Sign in with your email and password.

Descubre Formentera

Excursiones Ibiza

Fri 7 Jun
10:15h - 18:00h