Excursión Es Vedra by Capitan Nemo

Excursión Es Vedra by Capitan Nemo

Thu 13 Jun
Starts at 10:00h

- Departures: Daytime: Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 10.00h | Sunset: Tuesday and Thursday at 17:00h

- Meeting point: Kiosco Capitán Nemo, in the Port of San Antonio (in front of the Huevo roundabout). Google maps

- Check in: 30 minutes before departure

Name Price Quantity
Adult | Adulto (SUNSET)
Adult Ticket Sunset Excursion (18:00 - sunset).
Children | Niño 7-12 (SUNSET)
Children's Ticket Sunset Excursion (18:00 - sunset). Children from 7 to 12 years old. Children under 7 years free.
You must select at least 1 ticket to continue.
The name and surname written below will be printed at the ticket. The ticket holder must attend the event with the group.
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Excursión Es Vedra by Capitan Nemo

Capitan Nemo

Thu 13 Jun
Starts at 10:00h